What is mediation?

Mediation is a process wherein a neutral person assists the parties to a dispute in achieving an agreed-upon resolution. The goal of mediation is to assist parties in reaching a workable agreement. Mediators use various techniques to assist the parties in reaching a settlement that is feasible for both parties. You may meet jointly with the mediator or in a separate session (called a caucus). Mediation does not produce a “decision” by the mediator. Only the parties to a mediation can agree to settle their dispute and decide on the best terms for settlement.

What does a mediator do?

The mediator facilitates open communication between the parties. Often in a complex situation, communication can get strained or break down. The mediator manages the discussion, the emotions and helps everyone move forward. The mediator may offer suggestions, ideas and help each person recognize and acknowledge the other’s point of view. Parties using a third-party neutral mediator are much more likely to end up on the same page on most if not all issues.

How do I choose the right mediator?

  • Ensure that you are selecting a mediator that is professional trained, experienced, and adheres to a code of ethics. The Mediation Association of Colorado ensures these items are in place for all licensed mediators by ensuring that they:
  • Complete a 40-hour comprehensive mediation training program
  • Participate as a mediator (lead and/or solo mediator) in ten or more cases covering a minimum of 100 hours
  • Complete a requisite amount of continuing education, training, and experience every year
  • Abide by Association’s Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy and Procedures

How much does mediation cost?

Professional mediation can cost up to $600 per hour for each party.  However, at Bridges Mediation, we offer free 15 minute consultations and mediation services starting at $150 per party for two hours of mediation.

What if the other party and I do not reach a compromise?

While most of the time a successful outcome can be reached through mediation, it is not always the case. If both parties do not come to mediation with the awareness that compromise and concession on their part will be needed that, then the likelihood of a successful outcome is greatly reduced.

What if the courts have ordered me to go to mediation?

If the court has ordered you to have mediation completed as part of your civil or small claims action, you have come to the right place! I can help you through the process and provide all the necessary documentation for you to bring back to the court.